Saturday 29 October 2011

Everything Changes

So we all have moments in our life where everything changes right?..... well in 2008 i had one of these moments, a life time experience i will always look back on fondly and with great memories......Finally meeting my great friend Sam, sharing a dream..... a moment in time and space which will remain always.

This moment of self discovery and discovery itself travelling thousands of miles alone to the US to realise a dream and that anything is possible if you want it enough. Not only this but to then share and learn so much with another human being is just simply amazing and still shapes my life choices now for im sure that without this moment i wouldn't be who i am today

As human beings we are capable of so much more than the box we place ourselves in ......think outside the box and live, share the ultimately is not about the materials we own or status in the world but the experiences we share with ourselves and others we care about around us......Its been said many times but life is truly too it......i shall be, look out 2012 :)

Time and distance are no match for love.......A huge thank you to my friend Sam whos friendship means the world to me and only gets stronger, love you Sam xoxo

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