Saturday, 29 October 2011

Everything Changes

So we all have moments in our life where everything changes right?..... well in 2008 i had one of these moments, a life time experience i will always look back on fondly and with great memories......Finally meeting my great friend Sam, sharing a dream..... a moment in time and space which will remain always.

This moment of self discovery and discovery itself travelling thousands of miles alone to the US to realise a dream and that anything is possible if you want it enough. Not only this but to then share and learn so much with another human being is just simply amazing and still shapes my life choices now for im sure that without this moment i wouldn't be who i am today

As human beings we are capable of so much more than the box we place ourselves in ......think outside the box and live, share the ultimately is not about the materials we own or status in the world but the experiences we share with ourselves and others we care about around us......Its been said many times but life is truly too it......i shall be, look out 2012 :)

Time and distance are no match for love.......A huge thank you to my friend Sam whos friendship means the world to me and only gets stronger, love you Sam xoxo

Tuesday, 25 October 2011


So back in the day (2009) i did this........a moment to forget perhaps but i cant help look at it and think OMG what was i doing!!

Check it out.this is Me VS Britney in Womanizer

argh cant believe ive posted this.............. o well.........

Monday, 24 October 2011

Memories from the Archive: Summer 2010

This has to be my all time favorite Arabic language pop music video - Nancy Ajram - Mashy Haddy reminds me of summer 2010 warm sunny days happy times and strawberries :D

Please check it out :D if you really want to you can see me dancing along to it on my youtube channel davidcoultharduk ..........

PS if you want more of me check out my main youtube channel theDAVIDEification which is undergoing a re-vamp

but anyways check out the video and remember memories good or bad are our to look back on....

Sunday, 23 October 2011

tic toc goes the clock

Time........time is a strange thing no matter what happens its the one this that keeps going no matter what which made me think today that because of this nothing lasts forever and everything has a moment in time........

Everything we do is timed so its hard sometimes to stop and think when all you here is the tic toc of the clock as the hand strikes the hour over and over again.......

this is just a thought but time is the constant.......for me i guess i feel i need to find goals along the way to make the the sound of the clock in the back ground seem a little kinder

For we are just tic toc'ing ourselves............

Monday, 10 October 2011

Ascend into fitness

wow had the most amazing day on Sunday......if you know me like you think you know me then you know i love fitness and Les Mills.....infact anything that involves a gym or working out lol

Anyways Sunday was the launch of in my home town of Durham. The day was dedicated to taster sessions of all things fitness.....the launch went really well with everything from Body pump to Combat to balance on show........

This is just a short blog to say a massive thank you to everyone who was involved and making this happen......i know its going to be amazing and above everything else a hig quality service for all who wanna get fit...did i mention Zumba btw :P

if you want to check out the website feel free of if you have twitter follow @ascend247 you can also follow me @davidcoulthard ..... facebook will follow ....again thank you guys for bringing this service to Durham and to us you rock!!!!

Attack of the Zumbatrons

So recently i thought id give Zumba a try, i mean ive tried everything else right body combat. body pump, balance, jam and attack (yup you guessed it love BTS Les Mills)...........

So anyway instead of mocking those who did it watching and thinking how easy it was i thought id try wrong was i??????????

Its alot harder than it looks and wait for it.....its.....FUN yes FUN you heard me people i freakin love say im an addict to Zumba fitness is a bit extreme but basically true.......

I cant get enough of the Zumba lovin shakin my booty has never been so fun.......i challenge you my fellow Zumbatrons to shoot from the hip and do it....go on do it what you waiting for???? lol :P

so if you need me ill be in the dance bedroom.... infact anywhere Zumba is i shall be check it out peoples :)